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Being the Church during COVID-19

Dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

After much prayer and deliberation our Bishop has made the very difficult decision due to the Corona Virus (COVID-19), and based on the best information and advice he could gather from the local and State Government, to cancel all public gatherings in Oklahoma Episcopal Churches. This includes all Sunday worship gatherings.

Until it is safe to gather again, we will be broadcasting via Facebook Live (then YouTube and the Website following the service):

--> Morning Prayer at 11 am on Sundays

--> Compline at 8 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays

--> Additional services as they come up, announced via weekly newsletter and on the Emmanuel Friends Facebook page.

We look forward to resuming our public worship gatherings when the worst of this virus has passed. Although the form of the ministry will be adapted, it is our hope this virus will not effect our efforts to feed the hungry through our Sack Lunch Ministry or other efforts. The clergy of our parish are available for prayer or conversation or any other pastoral needs during this time.


Fr. Tom

A message from our Bishop, Ed:



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