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How to Access the Church Directory

Emmanuel's member directory is an online resource reserved for access to participating members of the parish. For help connecting to the online directory, follow the directions below.

If you would rather have a paper copy of the directory, call the office and one will be printed and mailed to you once you are verified as a participating member of the Parish.

If your information is out of date or you see any mistakes, please let us know! The online directory is a resource provided to us through the diocese and is primarily kept up to date with a wonderful team of volunteers!

If you have never accessed the directory / do not have an account

Contact the office and request a directory account; it will be provided to you once we verify that you are a participant of the parish.

If you have an account / once you've been given an account

You can access the directory in one of two ways:

Whether you are accessing the directory from the app on your phone or the website version, your username and password are the same.

Is your Church Directory app not working anymore?

In March 2024, the CTRN church directory company discontinued an older version of the Church Directory app. If you have been a long-time user, you may have the old app on your phone, which no longer works. If this is happening to you:

  1. Uninstall the CTRN church directory app from your phone.

  2. Download the new Online Member Directory App:

    1. For iPhones:

    2. For Androids:

  3. Once you've downloaded the new app, you can log in with your existing username & password and access the directory once more!

If you are still having trouble, call or stop by during church office hours for assistance.



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Mailing address: PO Box 1905, Shawnee, OK 74802
Our office is open Monday 9-1 and Tuesday/Thursday 9-5

Phone number: 405-273-1374

©2023 by Emmanuel Episcopal Church.

Website by Astro Panda Studios. 

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