When we postponed worship due to COVID, I had been a pilgrim at Emmanuel for one year. The three months we were out I was going through the directory to remember your names. That first Sunday I stood outside with a small group feeling that I should undergo some type of preparation before entering this holy Ark of Safety that I love so much.
First, I had to reverence the altar. The sense of the holy overwhelmed me. I never felt that watching the service while sitting on the sofa in the den.
Second, I had to sit in silence and say “hello” to God in God’s Sanctuary. How rich and sweet it was to gaze beyond the chancel to that bit of heaven on earth.
Third, I had to look around and see who was there. To see you in person was a soul treat.
Fourth, the liturgy and scriptures captured and gladdened my soul. The Eucharist was a true feast on the Bread of Wholeness and Glory.
Fifth, as I departed I longed for the future when we could get together again for meals in the Parish Hall, for classes all over the new building, and for service in our Lord’s ministry to our community.
Thanks be to God for Emmanuel Episcopal Church and it’s congregation. Thanks be to our Priest, Curate, and staff. It is all good.
John Williams